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Personal Safety For Schools: Campus & Street Safety

We've been campaigning for some time to get more personal safety training and self defence into schools. Over the last 10 years we've seen a very gradual increase of schools taking on this responsible learning, with some private schools in London leading the way.

It is also very much needed in State Schools, so we're offering out to our Corporate Partners to help fund programmes we can implement.

In the meantime, if your school has a personal safety budget or a wellbeing budget consider getting a concise training programme of Personal Safety Awareness, Resilience and Confidence, Travel Safety and Self Defence. (contact us on for more info).

Contrary to popular belief, self defence training does not promote violence or physical response, but empowers pupils to be more confident in their personal judgements, assessments, more effective in their awareness and avoidance, and gives them the intelligent and strategic tools to disengage early from a situation or risk environment.

This training also helps protect pupils of all ages on their routes to and from school as well as preparing school-leavers for new life experiences at university, gap year and beyond.

To help Schools with this training we are currently providing Talks, Workshops, Online lessons and Staff Coaching as event-based training held during Skills for Life Weeks, PTA Meetings and staff inset days. Consider this provision for your new term to make sure both your pupil and staff populations are properly and intelligently informed.

For all-girls schools we have dedicated all-female instructor teams.

Check out our schools page for more information or contact us direct to speak to one of our experts at

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