Develop Your In-House Security with our Support
Benefit from our Corporate Knowledge-Share Programme to develop Your In-House Security.

Our new and innovative way of working and providing our corporate clients with our knowledge base and skills is our 2024 Knowledge Share Programme.
This initiative provides extensive in-house training for your existing security teams, security department staff and for key internal staff to be up-skilled to take lead security positions within your company.
The programme further offers the opportunity for your key internal staff to be trained as PSL Safety & Security Ambassadors for your company, a position to which we provide ongoing support.
This affordable open-support to companies enables you to upskill and highly improve your internal security departments without breaking the budget; and to receive expert operational planning, strategy, access and resources which would otherwise be either extremely expensive or would need to be outsourced.
This programme in particular benefits companies in the areas of:
Staff general safety and welfare
Staff international travel
Premises security
Cyber security
Available within this programme are Seconded Staff, Internal Policy and Protocol Development, High Level Strategic Planning and Organisational Response Plans.
To speak to us on how you can develop your in-house security with our support contact us for a free confidential call at: