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Personal Safety London: Canary Wharf Press Release

Visit Canary Wharf Group Media website for their latest press release on our Women In The City Safety Event at Canary Wharf in November 2015.

On November 25th 2015 Personal Safety London and Canary Wharf Group will be hosting a FREE Event for Women in the City to provide safety advice, opportunities to sign up for Self Defence Training as well learning about the security strategies in place at Canary Wharf and urban evacuation protocols.

The free event will bring experts in safety, security and self-defence together to equip women with key information on personal safety skills and vital awareness tactics to feel safer during the darker winter nights and the pending festive season in and around London.

Experts will be giving talks on personal safety focusing on what to look out for, how to avoid risks, advice on how to get home safely and tips on keeping you and your belongings safe, with an opportunity to ask questions to the panel of specialists.

Self-defence demonstrations will also be given to show smart techniques and intelligent strategies from disengaging and removing yourself from the most common types of attacks, with an opportunity to then sign-up to new self-defence training at Canary Wharf.

Alongside talks and safety strategies, the security team from Canary Wharf Group will provide an overview of how to keep safe while you work and travel to and from Canary Wharf, as well as important information regarding urban evacuation.


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